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Monday, December 22, 2008

2008 in review

Wow. 2008 is nearly over. Ridiculous. However, I'm sure I speak for all of us when I say that this year has been a huge achievement. I've gone to new heights with both my movies and music, including such new classics as the GreenCo. and Stranded! series. I hope to expand both of them and more in the future. I've got a another band with a bunch of friends that is working hard on producing music so we can take over the dang world. However, lets not leave out the event I hope comes to everybodys mind :) KrispyKon has been taken to new heights this year, starting with officially releasing their breakout album Greenwash and with taking the music to a new level on two (was gonna be three but the weather betrayed us) live webcasts. Trust me when I say we have a lot more tricks planned for the coming year and it is for this reason that I would like to announce the official KrispyKon:Live lineup for 2009:

...and more to come.
To wrap up the crap, thank you all very very much for being a part of Frostbite Studios over the last year, whether it was watching videos, enjoying music or telling me you went to my website in tech class. I hope to bring more of the same and a little extra in '09 and the coming years and I look forward to sharing it all with you :) I'm gonna go have some 'nog.

Monday, December 15, 2008

Snow rocks.

We're webcasting soon btw.